Prayer, Evangelization, & Stewardship

Becoming Catholic

The Catholic Church is unlike any other organization on earth. In fact, it is more accurate to call the Church an “organism” – a living body: Christ’s body.

Why be Catholic?
To become Catholic is to become part of His body – a process that begins with Baptism and continues forever. Being Catholic in today’s world provides great challenges and opportunities for personal growth and self-awareness, and also a solid foundation for a life of community and relationship with God.

Eight Good Reasons for Being Catholic
Becoming CatholicSelected from AmericanCatholic.org, here are eight great reasons to be Catholic.

An optimistic view of creation
A universal vision
A holistic outlook
Personal growth
Social transformation
A communal spirit
A profound sense of history
A respect for human knowledge

Parishes welcome new members into the Catholic Church through a process of education, faith sharing, and rituals known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Click here to learn more about that process.