Eighth Grade Program Overview
Eighth grade program begins in the fall and ends in the spring. Currently, the curriculum is “Called to be Catholic” and “Living the Mass” both by Loyola Press.
Many have been attending Faith Formation since kindergarten. We begin by reviewing (K-7) and teaching about Church History. The second part of the year, they enter “Living the Mass”.
We break open the liturgy, (great for adults too!) and take what we discussed with us into the other six days of the week. The celebration of the MASS IS THE CORNERSTONE OF THE Catholic faith. Our sessions are scheduled around the 5:30 PM Sunday evening liturgy.
Confirmation Program Overview
We extend a warm welcome to our Confirmation candidates, their sponsors and their parents! This is a 11 month program for high school students, but the preparation process can vary depending on individual circumstances. The best way for parents to prepare their child to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is to model active participation in the Sacraments, especially weekly Mass attendance.
*Youth must attend the 8th grade preparation program or take a 6-week course on “Living the Mass” as well as parents preparing teens for “What Every Catholic Should Know” (click on this link the details) before they begin preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
There are three components to our parish Confirmation Preparation Program:
- Mass/Class Sessions
- Sponsor Meetings
- Works of Mercy Projects
The Confirmation preparation program is designed to help guide our youth on their journey of Christian initiation in the life of Christ and His church. Class, Mass, and service to others help to open their minds and hearts to Christ’s teachings.
Confirmation is an 11 month program that is open to all high school students who have not yet been confirmed.
Attending a parent meeting is a mandatory requirement for enrolling your child in the program. There are meetings in the Spring for the Fall/Winter session and meetings in the Fall for Winter/Spring session.
The 11 month program includes:
- Select a sponsor. Sponsor and Candidate meet with each other during the preparation for Confirmation.
- Meeting with class six (6) or seven (7) times per year for class/mass sessions.
- Works of Mercy projects.
- Attend a retreat over the 11 month period.
- Attending dinner with Father Peter or Father Joe with your class.
- Writing a reflection of one (1) Work of Mercy project.
- Writing a letter to the bishop.
- Attending special programs outside of the class/mass sessions. (Saftey Program, Time of Prayer, & Living Stations, etc.).
- Attending weekly Mass.
- Meeting sponsors outside of class sessions.
- Choosing a confirmation name.
- Attending the Triduum.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why does my child have to attend "Living the Mass" or the 8th Grade Prep to Confirmation Program before they will be placed in a permanent class?
- The Confirmation Program is designed to lead candidates to a deeper understanding of their faith through mass, prayer, and service. We have found that some candidates do not have a basic understanding of their faith. i.e.,don’t know prayers, Ten Commandments or the flow of Mass.
- Our teachers (catechists) are volunteers and many are not teachers by trade. It makes for a difficult lesson when you have to teach the ‘basics’ when the curriculum for Confirmation places them at a point of basic knowledge.
2. Why are there double sessions?
- There are enough classrooms for about 80 candidates, using the entire parish center. Some candidates have busier fall schedules than spring. Double sessions allow them to choose which session will be the best for them and their families.
3. Why don’t we have classes on weeknights?
- An important part of Confirmation preparation is participation in Sunday Mass. Class time is directly before Sunday evening Mass and the students attend Mass with their class and catechists as part of the program design.
- We have seating for 650 people in the church. With 80 candidates and 80 sponsors that leaves 480 seats, leaving approximately 6 seats for each family. The bishops have requested parishes schedule Confirmation ceremonies in the fall or early spring, outside the Lenten and Easter seasons because of busy schedules. One ceremony is approximately a four hour commitment from start to finish. Two ceremonies in one day is very taxing on the bishops and priests as well as the parish as a whole i.e., Music, Altar Servers, and staff.
When we comply with the bishop’s request to avoid late spring we are more likely to get our first preference of date and time.
5. Why do I need to attend another parent meeting? I just enrolled an older child last year?
- It is at the parent meeting you enroll your child. These meetings help parents to be aware of the current needs and scheduling, which differs from year to year. Father Peter and Father Joe also like to personally welcome each group into the program.
Fall Confirmation Enrollment (for classes that start in October)- April/May enrollment, parent(s) attend to learn about program, enroll students and pay fee.
Spring Confirmation Enrollment (for classes that start in January or February)- November registration, parent(s) attend to learn about program, enroll students and pay fee.
Space in each session is limited.
Click Here for the Registration Page
Please contact Mary Collins, Director Confirmation, (978) 320-4206 or CLICK HERE to email Mary with any questions.