Prayer, Evangelization, & Stewardship

Councils & Commissions


Seen through the lenses of communion, mission, and stewardship, the Councils  and the Liturgy Commission are not simply administrative or consultative groups.  These bodies bring together gifted and talented laity to work in collaboration  with the clergy to strengthen parish unity around Jesus Christ and the Gospel.  They move the Church from theory to practice when the following principles are observed: shared responsibility, consultation, and consensus building. Click on the name below for more information and member lists. 

PARISH FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION COUNCIL The Finance & Administration Council is advisory in nature. Members plan for the future financial needs of the parish and work with the Finance and Operations Manager to generate a balanced budget for each fiscal year. Members come from a broad range of backgrounds including banking & finance, human resources, engineering, and others.    

Co-Chairs: Jeff Gottschalk  and Bob Stall        

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL   In its advisory role, the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) assists the clergy in their leadership role of planning, initiating, organizing, coordinating, and reviewing the evangelization, worship, faith formation and service activities within our Parish. While its view is strategic, members are often asked to volunteer to provide leadership and support in implementing and monitoring agreed upon initiatives.  

Co-Chairs: Mihran Keoseian and Carole Prest Contact them here       

LITURGY COMMISSION The Liturgy Commission is a consultative body to the pastoral staff. They assess the spiritual and liturgical (worship) needs of Blessed Trinity Parish and provide direction for the broad goals, strategic planning and policies governing those needs. Members include representatives from the various liturgical ministries.    

Contact Kelly Clark at 978-320-4205 or email her for more information

STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL  The purpose of the Stewardship Council is to encourage parishioners to practice stewardship as an expression of gratitude to God and as a way of life for Disciples of Christ, and to see that active involvement is a means of returning the many gifts we have been blessed with by God. Members organize and participate in numerous events throughout the year.    

Co-Chairs: Laura Doherty and Carolyn Stall