Prayer, Evangelization, & Stewardship


Please prayerfully consider sharing your talents in service to our Parish and our community. 

Remember that even a modest contribution of your time and talent will promote the mission of our Parish and strengthen our community. Everyone has something to share!  If you have questions or would like to contact one of the ministry leaders, please CLICK HERE to email KiKi Donahue,or call 978-320-4212.  

You can view our 2024 Ministry Catalog here

How Blessed Trinity Parish is Keeping God’s Children Protected and Safe

To know that we are children of God is to live in complete love, with deep abiding security and the ability to dream, to sing, to create, to laugh, and to play without worry. As we grow older, we learn, through sometimes hurtful and damaging experiences, that some people reject the ability that God gave them to love and respect others—they ignore God’s call.

At Blessed Trinity Parish, we strive to ensure the safety of our children, youth, elderly and disabled brothers and sisters.  CLICK HERE to review all volunteer requirements in place in our Parish.  Below are some of the ways in which we carry out this critical task.  

  • Ensure that all staff & volunteers comply with PGC, CORI & Code requirements. In addition, it is expected that the staff and volunteers who work with children and youth adhere to specific procedures.
  • Never work alone with children and young people.
  • If an adult needs to speak with a young person on a one-to-one basis, another adult must be made aware of the meeting and be available until the meeting ends.
  • Ensure that the ratio of adults to children is adequate to ensure safety and to ensure that children are supervised at all times.
  • Plan for extra help for special activities that may require more supervision.
  • Know who is in attendance at any activity; retain emergency contact information for every child.
  • Have a cell phone available.
  • Consent forms should be completed, if applicable, for children under 18.
  • Establish regular communication with a parent or guardian.
  • Communicate to parents the logistics for safe, supervised drop-off & pick-up points and times.
  • If cancellation of a class, activity or practice is necessary, every effort must be made to notify parents in advance.  If a family is unaware of a cancelation and a child is dropped off, a parent must be contacted immediately. 
  • Children are never to be left unattended while waiting for a parent, or person designated by the parent, to pick-up the child.

It is our belief that if parents are involved in parish programs and events, they will be in the best position to protect their own children as well as all the children in the parish community. Involvement and communication are important factors in helping to ensure safe environments for all of our children.

Please Visit our Volunteer Requirements Page for full details

If you ever have any suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with one of the Pastors at 978-320-4201 or  KiKi Donahue or 978-320-4212.