Faith Formation Program
Arianne Lokuta
Faith Formation Coordinator, K-7
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Direct Dial 978-320-4213
Nicole McDonald
Faith Formation Coordinator, K-7
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Direct Dial 978-320-4208
Mary Collins
Confirmation & Grade 8 Director
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Direct Line: 978-320-4206
Kathy Mancini
Administrative Assistant, K-7
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Phone: (978) 692-5435, ext. 132
Religious Education
The mission of Faith Formation at Blessed Trinity Parish is to teach as Jesus did
following the six tasks of catechesis which are:
Catechesis promotes knowledge of the faith.
Catechesis promotes a knowledge of the meaning of the Liturgy and Sacraments.
Catechesis promotes moral formation in Jesus Christ.
Catechesis teaches the Christian how to pray with Christ.
Catechesis prepares the Christian to live in community and participate actively in the life and mission of the Church.
Catechesis promotes a missionary spirit that prepares the faithful to be present as Christians to society.
Faith formation provides parish members with sacramental preparation and opportunities for life-long spiritual growth and education as disciples of Jesus Christ. The following are opportunities for faith formation at Blessed Trinity Parish.
K-7 Faith Formation: For children entering Kindergarten through Seventh.
Our program supports parents in passing on the faith to their children with a hybrid traditional classroom/whole family catechesis approach.
Grade 8 & Confirmation: For youth in Grades 8 - High School
Grade 8 is a preparation year for Confirmation, with a classroom format focusing on "Living the Mass". For High School (Confirmation), emphasis is on developing their personal relationship with the Lord through discussion, and service, preparing them for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
R.C.I.C. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children): A program for children/youth over seven who wish to be baptized and/or those who have been baptized but not catechized for First Penance and Eucharist may contact the faith formation office for more information, contact info is above.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): A spiritual journey for those 18 and older who have not been baptized, or who have been baptized in another denomination and desire full participation in the Catholic Church. Regular gatherings are held to share God's Word, experience prayer and reflection, provide service, and learn about the Catholic faith. Contact Sharon Laronga at 978-692-6353, Ext. 27 for more information.
Adult Confirmation: These classes are for actively participating Catholic Adults, 21 years of age or older, who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Penance, and Eucharist. These classes usually run about 6-8 weeks. Adult Confirmation takes place in the Merrimack Region, or one can be Confirmed with Blessed Trinity's celebration in the spring. Contact Sue Gormley at 978-320-4210 or click here to email her for more information.
How Blessed Trinity Parish is Keeping God’s Children Protected and Safe
To know that we are children of God is to live in complete love, with deep abiding security and the ability to dream, to sing, to create, to laugh, and to play without worry. As we grow older, we learn, through sometimes hurtful and damaging experiences, that some people reject the ability that God gave them to love and respect others—they ignore God’s call.
At Blessed Trinity Parish, we strive to ensure the safety of our children, youth, elderly and disabled brothers and sisters.
Protecting God’s Children, VIRTUS Workshops
All volunteers, age 18 and above, are required to participate in a one-time Protecting God’s Children, VIRTUS awareness training.
Annual Background Checks
It is the policy of the Archdiocese of Boston that all staff and volunteers (age 17 and above) have an annual background check (CORI).
It is expected that the staff and volunteers who work with children and youth adhere to specific procedures.
It is our belief that if parents are involved in parish programs and events, they will be in the best position to protect their own children as well as all the children in the parish community. Involvement and communication are important factors in helping to ensure safe environments for all of our children.
Please read the Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children (Archdiocese of Boston) and visit our Volunteer Requirements Page for full details