Blessed Trinity Pastoral Council
Dear Parishioners, Have you thought about how you may bring your gifts to serve on the Blessed Trinity Parish Pastoral Council (BTPPC). The Council is, in essence, a consultive Board, established by Canon Law, that works closely with our pastor and parochial vicar, and as needed, other ministries to help develop our long- and short-term goals and initiatives. In addition to the pastor, parochial vicars, and assigned deacons, the membership of the BTPPC consists of twelve members; 10 are nominated and selected through the nomination process and two are appointed by the priests. In addition, ex-officio members and pastoral associates also play a role with their presence at PPC meetings. Currently, there are four openings. Two positions are for four-year terms and the other two positions are for three-year terms. The new Pastoral Council members will begin their terms on January 6, 2025. These openings will be filled via the selection process. This process takes the names of parishioners who have been nominated and have accepted the nomination, writes them down on a piece of paper which is then placed in a basket. During one of the weekend masses in December 14 and 15, the pastor will pick names from the basket; those names selected will become members of the PPC. The selection process will begin with brief informational presentations at all masses the weekend of November 16 and 17. At that time, information regarding how one can apply or how you, as a parishioner, may submit someone else’s name, along with all other pertinent information will be provided. Please consider serving your church and your fellow parishioners by becoming a member of your Parish Pastoral Council. It is a great opportunity to assist the clergy in their leadership role of planning, initiating, organizing, coordinating, and reviewing the evangelization, worship, faith formation and service activities within our Parish. While its view is strategic, members are often asked to volunteer to provide leadership and support in implementing and monitoring initiatives that the Council has chosen to undertake. Thank you, Mihran Keoseian, Pratibha Monteiro
PPC Nomination Form | Pastoral Council Mission and Guidelines |
In its advisory role, the BTPPC assists the clergy in their leadership role of planning, initiating, organizing, coordinating, and reviewing the evangelization, worship, faith formation and service activities within our Parish. While its view is strategic, members are often asked to volunteer to provide leadership and support in implementing and monitoring agreed upon initiatives.
Current Members:
Chris Banks
Rita Biagioni
Pratibha Monteiro (CO-CHAIR)
Shaun Driscoll
David Fischer
Mihran Keoseian (CO-CHAIR)
Jeffrey Marrion
Catie Nagle
Joyce O'Donnell
Robert O'Neill
Carole Prest
To contact the Pastoral Council, please send an email: Here.