Prayer, Evangelization, & Stewardship

Second Collections

2nd Collections - Archdiocese of Boston

Church in Latin America  This collection provides support for various pastoral projects in financially poorer dioceses throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. This collection funds the works of evangelization, formation of laity, religious and seminarians, as well as, youth ministry and catechesis.

Support of the Church Around the World  This collection will support the Church in those underdeveloped areas of the world where there are insufficient resources for evangelization and formation. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Church in Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe and three important national Catholic missions: the Military Archdiocese, Home Missions, and the Black and Indian Missions. 

Catholic Charities   This collection will be for the benefit of Catholic Charities.  Your support provides a pathway to self-sufficiency for about 200,000 neighbors in need in Eastern Mass.

Holy Land Shrines   The Good Friday collection supports the sacred places and the educational, charitable and peace seeking ministries of the Church in the Holy Land.

Easter Sunday Collection:  Clergy Benefit Trust (there is no weekly collection this week) The Easter Collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Seminarians   This collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for service as future priests. 

Promoting The Gospel    This collection supports Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and Catholic Communications Campaign (CCC).  Through the work of CCHD and CCC the Gospel is promoted by supporting those in poverty, providing grants to community based groups and using the entire array of media tools available to evangelize and promote Gospel values.

Clergy Benefit Trust    This collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Holy Father - Missionary Efforts    This collection provides funds for emergency and disaster relief and supports pastoral and evangelization efforts in mission dioceses.  This collection will also provide support to Catholic University of America and for inner city parishes of the Archdiocese of Boston.

Collection for Retired Religious Sisters     The collection is used to assist religious communities to provide for the retirement and health care needs of Sisters who have served in the Archdiocese. 

World Mission Sunday     The collection is used to support the pastoral and evangelization programs and needs of mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds are distributed in the Pope's name by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith - a Pontifical Mission Society. 

Christmas Collection: Clergy Benefit Trust (December 25th each year) The collection at the Christmas Mass is in support of the retirement, medical and financial needs of the priests of the Archdiocese of Boston.