Young Adult Chapel for High School Students
Stronger Self Series
Based on the successful High School Mission Trips, this will be an evening of fun, exploring The Art of Looking as a way to develop a stronger sense of self, and being part of a welcoming, inclusive and supportive community of like-minded Young Adults.
Join the group by showing up or send an email to Matt Edison and include the following:
Young Adult’s First and Last Name
(Pronunciation help appreciated to be sure we get it right)
Email address
Cell phone # for text messages (since they don’t read emails)
Grade entering
Gender (so we can balance the group discussions)
Parent Info:
Cell number(s)
- Who is putting this on?
Hi, I’m Matt Edison!I led the High School Mission Trip 2018 & 2019, led the Chapel portion 2017-2019, and was a trip Chaperone 2015-2019. I loved all of it! I’m also the father of four, 28, 26, 19 and 19, so I feel I appreciate a little bit of what being a Young Adult these days looks like.
I’ve spent over three decades in business and almost all of it in leadership positions from large established companies down to small start-ups. I’m starting this Young Adult Chapel in response to a need I see for a place to reflect on the pressures of today and to learn in a supportive community - in others words, taking the Chapel from the Mission Trip and spreading it out across the academic year every three weeks to allow Young Adults to learn new ways of seeing themselves, others and the world and then letting settle in before diving back into see some more. I’ve started a non-profit to allow me to carry out this work that I feel desperately needs to be done for young adults in the US and the world over. More info is available at Please take a look. Thanks. - Who can come?
This Chapel is open to all High School aged Young Adults, preference is given first to Parishioners but non-Parishioners are welcome too. - What are the Young Adult Chapel dates?
2023: Sep 7, Sep 28, Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 7, Jan 4
2024: Jan 25, Feb 15, Mar 7, Mar 28, Apr 25, May 16 and June 6 - What is The Art of Looking?
It is a form of Awareness education compiled by Anthony DeMello, a Catholic Jesuit Priest from India, who was a spiritual director, a psychologist and the author of many books on spirituality.
The Stronger Self Series will be using selections from Fr. DeMello’s best work (my opinion) “The Way to Love”. These meditations are a guide for how to see the world differently and beneficially.
I have been reading and rereading this book for twelve years and have found it to be immensely helpful in my life, personally and professionally.
I wish I had been introduced to this when I was a Young Adult and just starting out on my life’s adventure. - You know these are high schoolers we’re talking about?
Yes, I am the father of four, now aged 19, 19, 25 and 28, I ran the High School Mission Trip and I curated and led 18 nightly Chapels during that time. I understand how you have to “Bait the hook to suit the fish”. I truly appreciate how Young Adults “Do not suffer fools lightly” and have a high bar for content and delivery. - What will Chapel be like?
Not Boring! Fun, Fellowship then Faith (The Art of Looking) in that order and in that proportion, Fun is First and Biggest. Different format from Mass and in the St. Catherine’s Parish Hall!! Huge fun and huge takeaways!! Structured to be every 21 days to allow for the habit cycle to take effect. - How can I help beyond signing-up my Young Adult(s)?
Chaperone volunteers would be wonderful to help facilitate this Chapel so the Young Adults can focus on their tasks. Please email Matt if you can help! - What if I have more questions?
Please email Matt!
Please make sure you’re on our mailing list or send an email to Matt asking to be added to the mailing list. We’ll be sending more emails with more details so stay tuned!
Seek out someone whose kids have been on the 2006-2019 High School Mission trip and ask them if their Young Adults enjoyed the experience.